A Tale of Two Cities

In my eyes you see

Weakness but not despair

My body has betrayed me

It’s a pain no rain can wash away

If only I could let it go


(Pushkar, Rajasthan State, India 2009)



Through my eyes you feel

Hatred but not evil

Time has betrayed me

It’s an anger no wind can blow away

If only I could let it go


(Xi’an 西安, Shaanxi Province 陕西, China 中国 2008)

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Terracotta Army (I)

I’m always fascinated by ancient relics and artefacts. For me, they are the only tangible objects from the past and they hold much mystery than the boring history textbook.That’s the reason why I was so excited when I knew that some of the most notable archaeological treasures of China – the Terracotta Army have made their way to Singapore’s Asian Civilization Museum. Though only 10 terracotta figures and 90 over subjects are showcased in the Museum, it’s still an event you can’t possibly miss.

I have yet to look into the photos that I took on Sunday, during my visit to the Museum. But let me share some of the shots taken at Pit One – the largest excavation pit which contains around 8,000 terracotta figures (the majority of which are still buried), in the eastern suburbs of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China, during my visit in 2008.

 Terracotta Warriors seen at Pit One, the largest excavation pit which contains around 8,000 terracotta figures (the majority of which are still buried), in the eastern suburbs of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. (KianHong Tan)

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One Asia Festival – Celebrating The Images of Asia


Celebrating The Images of Asia is part of One Asia Festival which is organized by Asian Geographic, the region’s leading geographical magazine. This was a highly anticipated event especially to all the participants of the world-renowned Asia Without Borders Photography Competition, which awarded over US$18,000 worth of prizes to all the winners. I didn’t submit any photos for this competition, although I desperately wanted to get the main prize – a Canon EOS 5D Mk II and S$5,000 cash. I simply couldn’t produce any photos that fit the themes of the competition. But I did submit some of my photos for another less known competition organized by Asian Geographic Passport, another favourite travel magazine of  mine.  Both Asian Geographic and Asian Geographic Passport offer quality articles, travel stories and stunning photographs of Asia. You have to read these magazines if you like travelling and photography, like me.

I submitted a total of 12 photos for Travel Without Borders Photography Competition, which comprises of 3 categories: Adventure Asia, Celebration Asia and Icons of Asia. Though I didn’t win any of the titles, I felt equally proud and happy to see 4 of my photos displayed in the event. I sincerely thank Asian Geographic and Asian Geographic Passport for this.

Let’s see my submissions.

Category: Adventure Asia

Langkawi, Malaysia

Mount Bromo, Indonesia


Category: Celebration Asia

Pushkar, India

Pushkar, India

Pushkar, India

Pushkar, India


Category: Icons of Asia

Hoi An, Vietnam

Hoi An, Vietnam

Jaipur, India

Xi’an, China

Xi’an, China

Empty Gaze

(Xi’an, China)

Many old folks in China, who survived the Cultural Revolution, see themselves unable to fit into the modern world. Bell Tower and Drum Tower, stand awkwardly with rows and rows of shopping malls in the center of Xi’an City. Starbucks, McDonalds, and all the mega-sized advertisement boards which show the latest fashion and gadgets, display how fast and eager the Chinese are catching up with other developed nations. But back in the old alley, you will see these familiar eyes, gazing nowhere but the past, where the little red book seems closer than the I-pods or laptops.


我, 记性不太好. 电影看过了, 我会忘记里面的情节. 书看过了, 我会忘记文字带来的感动, 走过的地方, 我会忘记当地的风土人情. 所以, 中学读过的中国历史, 别期望我会记得. 还呆在我脑细胞里的, 大概都是我看过, 听过, 闻过, 的历史碎片….我的记忆碎片. 不管怎么拼凑拼凑, 还是碎片, 是更大的碎片. 来到秦始皇兵马俑坑, 我看见佷多佷多的碎片, 拼凑起来的碎片. 是宏伟, 是野心, 是自私, 还是害怕孤独. 我想, 秦始皇也不知道. 眼看见的碎片, 容易拼凑, 眼看不见的碎片, 又要怎么拼凑?

我捕捉的画面, 也是碎片. 后知后觉的我, 才发现, 原来我喜欢收集碎片. 是碎片, 造就了我.

(秦始皇兵马俑一号坑 –  西安,中国)